Wednesday, December 3, 2008

State of the league

Kay we pretty much have this off the ground, and we need 2 more positions to fill, I sent an email to the guy who runs touch down design, and he hasn't replied yet. So find another person, preferably our age on the boards.

We also need a league name, and logo. I wanted to do it like Minor league baseball about how they use MiLB. But if we kept Minor League Football, we'd get MiLF...

I'll get everything in order like sidebar and stuff tomorrow.


Kevin said...

he he MILF

BJBerthiaume said...

Yeah, I was also thinking about how MLF looked kind of like MILF. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Umm I have no idea for the name but I mean we could go MiLF lol, but yea umm, anyways You could try Heriet or LEWJ on the boards, they are around are age but I am not syre if they want to. Just a thought

sizemorematters said...

We could just call it MLF.

I actually like that.

Michael said...

big mike ask LEWJ though not sure if hed want to.