Sunday, May 9, 2010

Draft Tonight

Alright how about we start the draft at around 7:30 eastern/6:30 central time. So far we have, Kevin, TC, Sizemore, Me, Mykl, Burmy, possibly Throwback, possibly BJ, and we haven't heard from Beast Mode or Bmac. Bmac hasn't really said much since being announced as an owner, hopefully he is fully on board with the league. As for Beast Mode, we haven't heard from him for awhile.

We have 6 possibly 8, I am supposed to draft for BJ if he can't make it, but I haven't recieved a email from him saying who he wants, so maybe he's gonna be there. I'll draft for Beast Mode, and I can draft for Bmac too unless he has let someone else know, the only reason I'm volunteering to draft for people is because I know all the team's needs and the players really well since I put together the roster updates and all of the draft prospects.

Also how are we going to do it, we did it on AIM last year and it worked pretty well but I don't know if everyone has a AIM. We could do it on Live Chat but last time we did that it was a fail. So we need to figure out how to do it.


TC said...

Ahhh. I forgot today was Mother's Day, and I'm gonna be gone. I asked Michael to draft for me. Damn me and my lack of holiday remembering.

Crash said...

Man, that sucks. Yeah, I'll get myself an AIM if that's what we wanna do.

Burmy said...

Sorry, but I don't have AIM enabled on this temporary replacement for my broken CPU...

However, I will send over my pick list...

Michael said...

Burmy, Im picking for ya