Saturday, July 11, 2009

San Antonio Uniforms

Well, Mykl took a try at the new uniforms and Big Mike is trying too. Any of you are welcome to take a stab at it if you want. With that being said I took a shot at it myself, here's what I came up with.Mykl, I stole your template on this one. These uniforms also feature sleeve numbers and a San Antonio script under the collar. The helmet is not changed. Let me know what you think.


Kevin said...

no one? really?

Big Mike said...

It's alright, I'm not crazy about the piping though, which is why I dont like Mykl's either, both of yall have the same style piping for the jerseys. Just the stripe is in a different spot.

Kevin said...

idk how Mykl's and mine are similar at all.

Big Mike said...

The piping is sorta similar, I mean yours changes at the shoulders, but how it runs down to the pants, also everything seems to much like a cone or diamond or something, I like it okay and I mean your the owner so if you like it use it, IMO though it's not an upgrade.