Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally... a Decision

Well, since I was never really looking for a new logo or new team name or anything, I have made a decision that I think will make everything easier. I WILL keep my old name, colors, logo, and old uniforms (used in season 1). I know that a lot of you are not going to be happy about this, but I don't really care. So don't bother with any more arguing or anything like that. It is over. This decision is FINAL.


Beast Mode said...

OK. are you still open to concepts even? Just in case Mykl or someone does something awesome.

Michael said...


Anonymous said...

Epic fail.

Big Mike said...

Just a suggestion, but I actually liked your uniforms from last season, wasnt crazy about the numbers but I still liked them, even though I do think you need a SA logo since you didnt really have a secondary last season.

Anonymous said...

Now for the next question: Should this man be allowed to keep his franchise?

Anonymous said...


Kevin said...

bonehedz, I question your logic in asking if I should be allowed to keep my franchise. I have done a lot for this league. I have probably spent the most time on this of all the owners (besides the commish and co commish). For you to question my ability to have a franchise, when the most you have done for the league is write a couple of Elvis quotes, is absurd. They say if you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones.

Kevin said...

Oh and Mike, I do have a secondary SA logo. If you look on the back of the jerseys, under the collar, you will find it. As for the numbers, I'm down to change them for more western-type numbers, if you can find me some.

Anonymous said...

Gee, looks like you can't change your numbers. Remember, this decision is FINAL.

Big Mike said...

Kevin calm down, youre going to get to stay but obviously you threw a fit and some people feel strong about that, I am glad you apologized though and Im willing to move foward and give you a second shot as should everyone but everyone needs to just forget what happened and move on (Im not just talkin about Kevin) so that's end of discussion. As for the more Western style Font, I really liked the font I used for my Concept but thats up to you whether or not you would like to use it.

Kevin said...

I like that one, but I think it is a bit too wide, when you compare it to the font for my secondary and script logos.

Beast Mode said...

Even more time than me Kevin? Or Sizemore? or TC?

sizemorematters said...

Beast, I'll admit during the off-season there were some times where I almost forgot about this. Also, the CHLA is back visit!

-sizemorematters' alter ego

Unknown said...

Kevin, I'm sorry, but your logo sucks, you need to make a change, and I think you need to seriously consider one of the logos that ColaCock designed for you, preferably with a different color. These people are doing you a favor and you're being ungrateful, rude, and childish.

And you all need to stop throwing hissy fits. It's very unbecoming.

Drew said...

Chill out bro.

Anonymous said...

Woah! Patsox, and Drew22?

Kevin said...

I'm using raysox's logo, not the one I made.

Anonymous said...

USE THE ONE COLACOCK MADE. Mykl's is horrible compared to Cola's.