Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nightmare Concept

Since kevin is just so stuck on the name, I tried to make the best of it. I used Spurs colours, to tie in with San Antonio's main franchise.


I actually like it, but I think silver is cooler.


Big Mike said...

It needs purple bad, black and silver are too dull for a football team unless your the raiders, purple makes sense fo nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Haha. At first I thought it was just a grayscale. But yeah, I thought youdidnt like this logo? And the colors need some pop.

Beast Mode said...

Pretty good, except for the primary. That just looks like you took the regular logo and made it grayscale, like TC said.

Michael said...

Black and silver is really underrated, IMO. And TC, I didn't like the logo I made a few months ago, it was pretty sloppy, so I traced it on inkscape.

Anonymous said...

I like the purple idea. Try the horses mane purple, make the dark gray "rays" on the Texas purple, and somehow add purple to the other logos. Possibléé?

Kevin said...

purple is going nowhere near my team

NEP said...

I really like the grey look and it keeps up with the theme of the grey in San Antonio with the Spurs.

Missions don't count

Big Mike said...

Well then change the name, cause it's the only color that makes since for a team called nightmare, you think me and mykl are the only ones who dont like it but almost Nobody likes it, you are just being stubborn about the colors.

BJBerthiaume said...

Yeah, the name needs to be changed. What is it even referring to anyways? But I think the logo set does look better in purple, but it would look even better in a really dark, almost midnight, purple.

Anonymous said...

Guys, quit picking on Kevin. You're being meanies.

Kevin said...

My team needs a name change? LMAO coming from someone who named his team the shockers?!?!? Bahahaha

Anonymous said...

Put the logos on a white background because I can barel y see the purple.

Big Mike said...

It's better then yours, and he actually has a kickass logo and colors that make sense, plus it ties in with Louisville. Nightmare is a stupid name because it sounds like a WNBA name and theres not reasonable logo to go with it. And how the hell does Red, Silver, and Navy tie into the name, it makes the horse look nice or something, when a Nightmare Horse should probably look demonic. Quit acting like a little girl and just listen to everybody, your making this alot harder then it needs to be, it's not even a real team.

Michael said...


Anonymous said...

Mike I think you just shot yourself in the foot there.

"...it's not even a real team."

So why does it matter what his logos look like? I'm not saying I'm on Kevin's side, because his logos, colors, and name are crap (no offense, Mykl), but it shouldn't matter what shit his team decides to use. He can be the Thunder of the MLF if he wants....

Michael said...

lol, you don't get it. I dislike my old horse logo. It's really sloppy.

Anonymous said...

Bitch please.

Kevin said...

Mike I want to put this lightly, so SHUT THE FUCK UP! You are ridiculous. You don't like what my team uses so you feel that it's ok to force me to use something else. Well it's not, get off my ass. And besides, my stuff is good because it's original. Gladiators? I've never heard that one before. You know what Gladiators is a stupid name and red silver and black are stupid colors. It needs to be changed. Oh, you don't want to change it? Quit being a little girl and let me pick how I want your team to be. I want to name your team the Birmingham Butt Fuck Pirates, and your colors need to be pink purple and light purple.

Anonymous said...

LMAO that's the hardest I've laughed all day.

Butt Fuck Pirates... that's sig worthy.

Big Mike said...

Wow you seriously are a little whiney bitch, for one thing my logo and name and colors all match. I honestly dont give a fuck whether its "original" or not, Grizzlies, Aces, Kings, and all those are names that have been used before, but seriously Nightmare? If your going to keep the name change the colors, make the colors relate to the name, not just cause you like them. Im not just trying to make the team different because I want it, but everyone thinks that, its hillarious the little bitch fit you threw on the boards and everybody tore you up. Your acting like a stubborn little bitch who is not doesnt want to do something that actually makes sense. The Vikings have Purple and the look good, it's not like its a stupid color. If someone actually makes a good looking logo on the boards and it has different colors then you should accept it, but again you decided to throw a little bitch fit because you didnt want someone to change your colors or name.

Big Mike said...

Plus if you want to be so original and unique then why use a color combo that is used more then any in all of sports. Red and Blue, Im not trying to say your name sucks but there is better ways of makeing it relate to your team, even though nobody really likes the name.

Kevin said...

lololol and he continues to complain. What a bitch.

Big Mike said...

Im the one who complains? pssh mmk

Beast Mode said...

I like his current set. *Runs away*

sizemorematters said...


-sizemorematters' alter ego

Beast Mode said...

Now Im not the only one to throw a sissy fit!

Anonymous said...

But you are a sissy, Beast Mode.

Oh snap.

BJBerthiaume said...

Okay this needs to end. On one hand Kevin should be able to do what he wants with the team because he is the owner after all. But on the other hand, Kevin, sometimes you have to listen and stop being so stubborn. I wanted old gold last year for my team when everybody else wanted golden yellow, so I switched after the season and it worked out fine. If you are attached to the name and shit, then fine, but if you deep down aren't attached, stop being such a punk and let others work with it. You don't have to shoot down people's concepts no matter what. If somebody makes something, but deep down you don't like it as much, then okay, but don't be a bitch about it. Do you have a reason why you seem to be so attached to this name and color scheme anyways? Because if you do, then it is totally okay with me. But regardless, this needs to end.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, are you so stubborn that you'll be willing to use insults and vulgarities against a league officer?

I suggest the exec. committee takes a vote to see if you're really fit to run an MLF team...

Anonymous said...

True, we are just trying to help your team, and you flip out and call the co-commish a bitch on numerous occasions.

BJBerthiaume said...

I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but it's funny how in the standings San Antonio is behind Las Vegas even though SA hasn't played yet and LV is 0-1.

NEP said...

What about the Nightriders or something to that extent just trying to throw my 2 cents in.

Beast Mode said...

TC... ah... Never mind.