Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Team Builder

Alright, I am back from the beach so I'm ready for the season haha, I know everyone else is ready for it too. I've already update Alabama and Hawai'i in team builder, next will be Quebec and Lincoln (Albuquerque), since they play first. Some things concerning that game, Lincoln has released a possible wordmark and color combo (hopefully they will swap in gold for green :P) so I can make them some generic under armor practice style uniforms on team builder until they reveal everything. Also how's the Globe Game logo coming Mykl? Whenever he gets done with it, I'll do like I did last year and just make a "team" with the Globe Game logo and Stadium, so Sizemore you'll have to download Quebec, Lincoln, and the Globe Game "team". That way the field will look good and it will really be a mutual style game.


Crash said...

Issue is, two TB teams can't play at a different Team Builder team's stadium. You'll have to make Lincoln's home stadium Wembley for one week and I'll have to re-download.

Big Mike said...

Really? That's wierd, alright well I guess we will just do like you said and make Lincoln's stadium Wembley Stadium for a week.

Crash said...

Yeah, I tried it for this past year's Championship Game (to get the logos on the field and all that) and it didn't work.

Big Mike said...

Quebec and Lincoln are updated in Team Builder, there were some big rating mess ups from last year, but I got it all fixed. Bmac any idea on when you are getting your identity up? No rush, just wondering, also I guess your not changing green to gold?