Friday, April 23, 2010

Doing stats

This weekend, I'll see what I can do.

Through 5 games, JP Wilson has 1472 yards, 11 Tds, and just 4 INTs

Also, since we're doing stats, and that we didn't have an ASG, and are considering a 1 division league...

We should just do a All-MLF team.


Big Mike said...

With Kevin coming back, we have every owner back except New.Era.Panda. I'm assuming both Throwback and Burmy are coming back since they have lots of interest in the league, so we will just find a owner for Albuquerque and keep the 10 league, 2 division format.

Big Mike said...

I didn't even notice but Throwbacks a lock in returning. You said you think Burmy's will coming back and we have 3 guys who want in (assuming Bmac still wants in), with only 1 or 2 spots to fill. Why not go with 10? We keep divisions and have a easy playoff format, it makes the most sense!

Also I guess it would be fair to ask Bmac first, but since droozer has payed so much attention and really wants in I say we give him a spot, he's been far more committed the 2 or 3 other owners and he isn't even a owner!

sizemorematters said...

...or why not go for 12...? It's a possibility in my eyes...

Big Mike said...

We could but we would have to make the schedule longer and it would require a lot of work, I think we should just go with 10 this season and see if it goes well, if it does we can expand to 12 next season.

sizemorematters said...

Alright, I mean we'd vote on it but yeah.

Big Mike said...

Im not saying its a bad idea, but we expanded to 2 this year and we didn't even get through, 12 teams means 6 games a week for most likely 12 weeks, I guess it would be easier with supersim but I'm just saying expanding is a lot of work, but I think its a good idea.

sizemorematters said...

Yeah definitely. In a 12-team league you could...

a) run single-table with 11 games
b)go with 2 divisions of 6 with strictly in-division games
c)go with 3 divisions of 4 and play 2x in division plus 2 from each of the other divisions to get to 10

Or we could go with 11 and get a 10-game season. Just some ideas.

sizemorematters said...

Also, don't count playoff games towards stats Mykl.

Michael said...

The thing is, if we go to 12 to make everyone happy, it'd just be more work for simmers which was a problem we ran into this season.

sizemorematters said...

True. It's something to consider. I'll have the time.

Big Mike said...

Yeah, I really think we should just go with 10 this year and make sure we can make it through with that. Then if the season goes well, we can expand next year.

sizemorematters said...

Alright, sounds good.

Unknown said...

12 teams is a tough go when you have trouble doing ten.

11 teams = 5 x 11 weeks = 55 games in the regular season. That might work.

I don't think the problem is simming games themselves. The problem is that you guys make each game an adventure by wanting to sit and do stats as the games are going on.

If you want to do a write up for each game and do one "Game of the Week" where you do a live broadcast once a week, that's fine. But the simming bit would work smoother is if it's more streamlined.

The other thing I would suggest is that the people in charge of the league need to have a short leash on the behavior of its members. I saw a lot of childish fighting in the league which also slowed the season down. There needs to be a procedure in place to remove teams who engage in this behavior.

That's what I have to suggest.

Big Mike said...

Yeah thats something I forgot to mention in my Rebuilding post a couple of days ago. There was a lot of fighting going on, and we really do not need that at all this year.

I think we need to have a System of rules on calling other members out or things of that nature. And then we can have 1st Offense is a warning, 2nd Offense is you get replaced. I know we said we would try something like this last year but we never really discussed it and we need to be strict about it this time around and like Brian said have a short leash on it.

So it would be good to have 10 teams and a couple guys who are intrested in joining later on could fill in for someone who violates the rules.

We will definitely start super siming the majority of the games or film them which is one of the best possibilities because it would show people exactly whats going on and everything.

Brian would you also be interested in doing next season's schedule? I remember you saying that was one of your strengths when expressing interest in joining. I know we have to figure out how many teams we are going to have and all that good stuff first but I was wondering if you would be interested in doing that.

Unknown said...

That's fine, Mike. You tell me what you guys want and I'll fix something up.