Well since TC did what he did, we're looking for new owners.
2 people have PM'd me asking if they could get in on the fun. They memebers are Throwback, and TalktoChuck.
Throwback got to me first, so he will get the expansion team, and I told chuck that if someone drops out, most likly johnny, Chuck will replace him.
Throwback said he'd like the team to be in connceticut.
Anyone object?
I also said that TC could still be a fan, and follow the league, but not own a team.
I'm fine with that.
I love the fact people are signing up for this, this idea was a total sucsess
That's Great, I think that if Johnny wants to still own the team we should have a vote on it, because he does not pay mauch attention and it just seems like he does not have the time
So, is Johnny the South Carolina Franchise?
Yes, which you could move them but they have to stay within the Eastern "Region", you can change the name and everything, but if we ever keep a Archive of this (which I probably will) you will be the same "Franchise" just new ownership. Glad to have you!
Good to be here. And I would move them, probably either to Richmond, Greensboro or Hartford. Depending on what logos I can come up with for those respective cities.
Chuck, we use cities with big enough stadiums. all of those have like 20k stadiums, and we use bigger ones
ok, what's the minimum? and is there a restiction on international cities?
Here's a list of the available cities. (obviously, a few are taken)
If it is in Canada, I'd approve
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