So today I was back at Legion Field where the Gladiators have been holding practice for free agents they may possibly draft and Team president Michael Harbison showed me the official logos, he also gave me a sheet full of the uniform set.

I must say the logos are nice, although Michael said he wants to work on the secondary a little bit more. He told me that Under Armor has done the uniforms. So I checked out their site and found they have Alabama Gladiators Home jerseys for sale!
I love them, Michael also said that the side panels represent the blade of a sword, you can't really tell on this photo but their is a darker gray line representing the crease of the sword in the middle of the stripe. I also got to see their helmet.
He also showed me this rendering of the uniforms. He said that this is what the whole set looks like.
I really like the whole set. He asked me to show this to the Media to see what y'all had to say. I asked him about the New Stadium. He said "Well we actually started building this a year ago. but seized the constructin in the fall. It was originally going to be the stadium for the WFL Birmingham Franchise, however the leauge does not plan to start for another 3 to 4 years. He told me the Stadium will be done before the season starts and he said the name will be the "Alabama Collesium".
I really like the whole set. He asked me to show this to the Media to see what y'all had to say. I asked him about the New Stadium. He said "Well we actually started building this a year ago. but seized the constructin in the fall. It was originally going to be the stadium for the WFL Birmingham Franchise, however the leauge does not plan to start for another 3 to 4 years. He told me the Stadium will be done before the season starts and he said the name will be the "Alabama Collesium".
great job with this. I think i might be able to put that logo on your helmets, cause tis the NFL Europa teams logo
what? I didnt understand what you said about the helmet
on madden you can put logos of NFL tams, and NFL europe teams on helmets. Well I could purt the one who use this logo
Oh yeah sorry, hah yeah that is the closet thing so thats awesome!
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