First off I would like to say thank you to Big Mike, because I stole your template. Anyway this post is all about the San Antonio Jerseys. We need a final decision on which ones are to be used. I have come up with a total of six options, and four are to be used. The home jersey has already been chosen.

I hope you like it. Also be sure to take note of the new secondary logo (used on pants and back of jersey) and the new script logo (used on front of jersey). However I still haven't decided on the alternate home jersey. So I give you the two options I have created.
Option 1

Pluses: The jersey stripes match up to those on the pants. The secondary logo is in the proper colors on the pants. Minuses: I'm not too sure on the white pants.
Option 2

Pluses: I like the blue pants. The uniform has a nice flow to it. Minuses: The stripes don't transition well from the jersey to the pants. The secondary logo's colors are changed from those of the original. The blue pants may make the uniform look too dark.
So the uniform you pick here is the one I use, no questions asked.
On to the next order of business, the away jerseys. So I basically have no idea on these ones. I want you guys to pick out of these three options, an away, and an alternate away jersey. Once again, your choice is the only voice for my decision on the jerseys.
Option 1

Pluses: The stripes on the jersey and the pants match up. The white (jersey) on white (pants) match the blue on blue in the home set. Minuses: A lot of white.
Option 2

Pluses: The red numbers are sharp. I like the blue pants. Minuses: All of the changes make the home and away differ (maybe too much). The stripes don't match. The secondary colors are changed on the pants.
Option 3

Pluses: I like how the set is put together, I think it flows. Minuses: The stripes don't match up. The secondary logo color is changed.
So that's it for jerseys. So remember I need you all to voice your opinions on which jersey should be alternate home, away, and alternate away. Also seeing as I used my QB Chris Leak in this template, can anyone, Big Mike maybe, fix it so the skin is dark? Just a thought. So again, remember to vote, Mykl maybe put up a poll if you can. And check out the team
website! Bye!
I like the red on white option, and the blue number aways, you should keep both jerseys the same for the away set, oh also, Chris Leak is half black, and I have the template with black and white players :) so I can send both to you if you want.
Actually I have changed my mind on the away jersey, I think I like the Red number/stripe set the best for the aways
ok and what about the alt away? also yes i would enjoy it if you sent me the stuff
tell me yo email and I will send them to ya, also I like the Away jersey with Red numbers/strpes and blue pnats, if you go with those, your other away set should be the all white one except make the numbers/stripes red so they match the other jersey
yea its
and btw im only using what ive already made so instead of making changes please just pick the ones i have
huh? I am just going to post the template so everyone can use.
Well then just go with the two away sets that have blue numbers/stripes, because two white jerseys that have diff. numbers and stripes would look stupid
Where do you get the template for the jersey and logo set?
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