Monday, July 20, 2009

Primetime Game Halftime Interviews

Week 1: Mykl (done)
Week 2: Me (interviewed by Mykl)
Week 3: TC
Week 4: Beast Mode
Week 5: Sizemore
Week 6 - 9: open (Kevin, BJ, CofRed, Throwback, mburmy)
Week 10: Any fans want an interview?

Owners who call sopt get it, and I know we got a couple fans so if one of them would like an interview feel free to speak up!


Kevin said...

I'll take week 6.

Justin said...

i'll take week 10.

Go Polaires!

Anonymous said...

HELLLLLL YEAHHHHHH! Polaires have the strongest fan base in the MLF! Possibly.

Beast Mode said...

By getting 1 fan? :P

NEP said...

I don't need to interview, you can interview me when Albuquerque wins it all.

sizemorematters said...

...and can I have the interview after our week 10 loss to go 0-10?

Big Mike said...

ahahaha 0-10, at least we can count on you to get the #1 pick.

sizemorematters said...

Yeah, at least the number one pick won't be wearing that ugly Nightmare logo...


Beast Mode said...

Think you have enough profiles sizemore?

Big Mike said...

lmao at sizemores comment