Friday, July 31, 2009

Nightmare Concept

I changed the colors to make them more nightmare-ish. The jerseys and script are more modernisticalish. Enjoy:

P.S.; I'm making @connecticutnavy on Twitter, I think we all should make official team Twitter feeds to make short bulletins and assist in communication between organizations. Here's a good naming convention we should use.


Kevin said...

Way too much like Alabama.

Anthony Farris said...

Damnit I forgot about them!

Michael said...

Yeah, alot like 'bamas. purple? :P

Also, no on a team twitter. No one will pay attention like the team sites. Though if we had a big MLF twitter, I'd approve.

Anthony Farris said...

Y point with the Twitter is that no on. uses the team sites. This might be a little simple.

Michael said...

¿que? Well like for twitter what would you post? like not enough news for your team to keep it interesting.